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FD::FFNet Member List

This is the complete list of members for FD::FFNet, including all inherited members.

addObjectType(const std::string &objType, _ObjectFactory *factory)FD::Object [inline, static]
calc(const float *input, float *value, float *deriv=NULL)FD::FFNet [inline]
calcGradient(std::vector< float * > &tin, std::vector< float * > &tout, Array< float > weights, Array< double > &gradient, double &err)FD::FFNet
className() const FD::Object [virtual]
clone()FD::Object [inline, virtual]
destroy()FD::Object [inline, virtual]
doesNotUnderstand(std::string method)FD::Object [virtual]
FFNet(const Vector< int > &_topo, const Vector< std::string > &functions) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
FFNet() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
FFNet(FFNet &net) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
FFNet(const Vector< int > &_topo, const Vector< std::string > &functions, std::vector< float * > &tin, std::vector< float * > &tout) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
getLayers() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
getNbNeurons() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
getNbWeights() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
getTopo() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
getWeights() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
init(const Vector< std::string > &functions) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
isNil() const FD::Object [inline, virtual]
layersFD::FFNet [protected]
learn(float *input, float *output, double *gradient, double *err=NULL, float *calc_output=NULL)FD::FFNet
nbNeuronsFD::FFNet [protected]
nbWeightsFD::FFNet [protected]
newObject(const std::string &objType)FD::Object [static]
Object()FD::Object [inline]
ObjectFactoryDictionary() (defined in FD::Object)FD::Object [static]
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Object &obj)FD::Object [friend]
prettyPrint(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const FD::Object [inline, virtual]
printOn(std::ostream &out) const FD::FFNet [virtual]
readFrom(std::istream &in)FD::FFNet [virtual]
ref()FD::Object [inline]
ref_count (defined in FD::Object)FD::Object [protected]
serialize(std::ostream &out) const FD::Object [virtual]
setDerivOffset(float d) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
setupLayersAfterRead() (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet
setWeights(float *ptr) (defined in FD::FFNet)FD::FFNet [inline]
topoFD::FFNet [protected]
totalError(std::vector< float * > tin, std::vector< float * > tout)FD::FFNet
TypeidDictionary() (defined in FD::Object)FD::Object [static]
unique()FD::Object [inline]
unref()FD::Object [inline]
unserialize(std::istream &in)FD::Object [virtual]
weightedCalcGradient(std::vector< float * > &tin, std::vector< float * > &tout, std::vector< float * > &learnWeights, Array< float > weights, Array< double > &gradient, double &err)FD::FFNet
weightedLearn(float *input, float *output, float *learnWeights, double *gradient, double *err=NULL, float *calc_output=NULL)FD::FFNet
weightsFD::FFNet [protected]
~Object()FD::Object [inline, virtual]

Generated on Wed Oct 5 14:30:25 2005 for FlowDesigner by  doxygen 1.4.4